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Colleges, Universities, B Schools in Brazil : Page 2

  1. Universidade Estadual do Ceará (UECE)
    Offers Graduate Courses in the following areas such as Sciences of the Health, Sciences and Technology, Social Studies, Humanities and Veterinary medicine

  2. Universidade Estadual Paulista
    It participates, actively, in the economic and social life of a Federative Unit that is responsible for more than a third of the Gross Domestic Product, it stands out in the industrial sector, but also has cattle raising that occupies 70% of the State's area and is very diversified and with a high technological standard, it is a national leader in agribusiness, answering for a third of the agroindustrial production.

  3. Universidade Estadual Paulista - Campus de Bauru
    Offers various Degrees through the faculties and Institutes of the university such as Faculty of History and Social Science, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Bioscience, and Institute of Geoscience.

  4. Universidade Estadual Paulista - Campus de Guaratingueta
    Offers various graduate courses through the following departments of the univaesity such as Department de Energia, Department of Civil Engineering, Department of Electric Engineering, Department of Mathematics, Department of Materiais and Tecnology, Department of Mechanical Engineering and Department of Production.

  5. Universidade Estadual Paulista - Campus de São José do Rio Preto
    Beyond individual research, the professors are involved in research in groups, the Unit and other campuses or Institutions. Currently, they are twenty and the seven Groups of Research co-ordinated by professors of IBILCE and the registered in cadastre in the CNPq. It have great impact in the industries related to the biotechnology, as agriculture, the production of energy, the control of the garbage and the ambient despoluição.

  6. Universidade Estácio de Sá
    Offers various graduation courses in Administration, Atuariais sciences, Countable sciences, Economic sciences, Cinema, Social communication, Right, History (Licenciatura), Hotelaria, Letters, Marketing, Pedagogia, and Psychology.

  7. Universidade Federal
    In its 43 years of existence the Federal University of Alagoas has played important role for the alagoana society, assuming the commitment with education, the research and the extension in all the areas of knowledge also with pioneering studies in the country.The Ufal brought all the possible advantages and imaginable, mainly for the culture and the economic and social development of the State.

  8. Universidade Federal de Goias
    The Federal University of Goiás has as mission to generate, systemize and to socialize the knowledge and knowing, forming professional and individuals capable to promote the transformation and the development of the society.The Federal University of Goiás possesss 24 academic units.

  9. Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul
    Joining cultures and distributing knowledge. With this motto, the city hall of Campo Grande, State secretary of Tourism, Publishing company UFMS, UNIDERP and the PJ 4 Events, carry through an unknown promotion of the cultural point of view in Mato Grosso of the South, of 4 the 8 of May: I FEMERCO.

  10. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - CPDEE
    Providing Engineering Degrees in Electrical and Electronics and have the following Laborataries Acionamentos Electric, High tension, Aterramentos, Electric circuits, Electrotechnical, High extra tension, Electric installations, LECI, Electric measures, Electric machines and Conversion of the Energy.

  11. Universidade Federal de Pelotas
    Various units and courses of graduation of the University are Agrarian sciences, Biological sciences, Accurate sciences and Technology, Sciences Human beings, Letters and Arts.

  12. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina
    Clinical Analyses, Surgical Clinic, Nursing, Estomatologia, Nutrition, Pathology, Public Health, Architecture and Urbanism, Automation and Systems, Civil Engineering, Electric Engineering, Engineering Mechanics, Chemical Engineering and Food Engineering, Botany, Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics.

  13. Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo Escola Paulista de Medicina
    Offers various graduate courses such as Basic sciences underwhich Computer science in Health, Biochemist, Pharmacology, Physiology, Computer science in Health, Morphology, and Clinical sciences underwhich Nursing, Dermatology, Gynecology, Medicine, and Pathology.

  14. Universidade Federal de Uberlândia
    Offer various Graduates and Degrees for Architecture and Urbanism, Arts, Philosophy and Sciences, Countable Sciences, Computation, Law, Physical Education, Civil Engineering, Electric Engineering, Engineering Mechanics, Chemical Engineering, Physics, Management and Businesses, Mathematics, and Medicine.

  15. Universidade Federal de Viçosa
    The Federal University of Viçosa originated from the Superior School of Agriculture and Veterinary medicine - ESAV. It comes accumulating, since its foundation, wide experience and tradition in education, research and extension, that form the base of its philosophy of work.

  16. Universidade Federal do Parana
    Offer various graduate and post garaduate courses in Agronomic Sciences, Biologic Sciences, Earth Sciences, Humans Sciences, Literature and Art, Social Communication, Industrial Design, Artistic Education, Philosophy, Juridical Sciences, Exact Sciences, Applied Social Sciences, Health Sciences, Technology, and Technical School.

  17. Universidade Federal do Pará
    The University of Pará was created by Law on July of 1957. It congregated the seven federal, state and private facultieses existing in Belem: Medicine, Right, Economic Pharmacy, Engineering, Odontologia, Philosophy, Sciences and Letters and Sciences.

  18. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
    UFRGS was established in 1895.Offers differnt courses through various faculties of the university such as Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Philosophy, and Faculty of Letters.

  19. Universidade Gama Filho - UGF
    Universidade Gama Filho - UGF was established in 1939. Offers various Science and Technological courses and conduct researches in it. br>
  20. Universidade Ibirapuera
    The Ibirapuera University, located in the heart of São Paulo, was established has 33 years and since the beginning it comes exhaustingly working in the quality of education for the formation of professionals.. It offers 21 courses of graduation that are between most promising of the present time, beyond courses of after-graduation and extension.

  21. Universidade Mackenzie
    The Mantenedora Entity, together to the University, in that he concerns to the academic questions and its confessionalidade. It is its ability, among others things, to watch over for the fulfilment of the objectives of the Institute Presbiteriano Mackenzie, together to the University.

  22. Universidade Metodista de Piracicaba (UNIMEP)
    UNIMEP is inserted within a plural context that points to multicultural, international, solidary and ecumenical experiences that go beyond Piracicaba and Brazil. Offer students, staff, researchers and professors an open environment that enables them to face the challenges and to take the opportunities available in an ever changing world.

  23. Universidade Regional Integrada
    The URI is center of reference in the region. Beyond Prestige for the superior education and after-superior, also if it detaches for Basic, Average Ensino and Education Technician. Being the reality to each more complex day, one of the great concerns of the school of the URI is to offer a space that oportunize its pupiuls the development of abilities in the diverse areas.

  24. Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões
    Offers various Graduate and Degree courses in Administration, Architecture, Biology, Civil Engineering, Philosophy, Geography, and History.

  25. Universidade Sao Francisco
    The Communitarian Pró-Reitoria is the executive agency that superintende, co-ordinates, fiscalizes and foments pastorais, artistic-cultural, porting activities, of leisure, of communitarian action and extension, aiming at to the integration of the university community and this with the local community.

  26. Universidade São Judas Tadeu
    Biological sciences, Physical education, Pharmacy, Nutrition, Philosophy, Tourism, Countable sciences, Administration, Architecture and Urbanism, Industrial Drawing, Pedagogia, Computer science, Mathematics,Superior course of Technology in Data processing, and Electric engineering.

  27. Universidade São Marcos
    The teaching qualification, the research and the extension are the main instruments that São Marcos University has to turn its student into a skillful professional. São Marcos University shows its humanistic calling as well as its ethical principles through its teaching, quality research, of the knowledge socialization and the culture spread.

  28. University of Northern Paraná (UNOPAR)
    UNOPAR is today a national center of reference in rhythmic gymnastics and also an international pole for the whole American continent.Education, Science and technology, environment, health and social responsibility are the guiding lights of its teaching, research and community programs.

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Directories on Popular Tests

Graduate Record Examination (GRE) Useful information for those who plan to take the Graduate Record Examination. Information on both the general test and the subject test.
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) Useful information on TOEFL, TOEFL preparation, online preparation sites, study material for TOEFL.
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Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) Information on SAT, SAT training, online preparation courses for SAT, SAT coaching programs etc.,
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